SERVER-88750 added an experimental bypassEmptyTsReplacement flag that tells the server to accept Timestamp(0, 0) as a literal rather than replacing it with current time. This is needed to solve certain data consistency problems in both mongosync and mongorestore. (See CA-34 for details.)
mongorestore uses the driver's BulkWrite interface. As best I can tell that interface offers no way to pass bypassEmptyTsReplacement to the server; thus, we can't actually fix the consistency problem without help from the driver.
I suspect this would most sensibly be implemented as a generic means of passing custom parameters to the underlying insert, replace, etc.
Acceptance criteria:
- The following CRUD operations accept a bypassEmptyTsReplacement option:
- insertOne
- insertMany
- updateOne
- updateMany
- replaceOne
- findOneAndUpdate
- findOneAndReplace
- collection.bulkWrite
- client.bulkWrite
- If no value for bypassEmptyTsReplacement is given, it must not be added to the command
- The option must not be added to documentation
- In the code, the option must be marked as internal, indicating that users should not rely on it.
- is depended on by
TOOLS-3540 Timestamp(0,0) is not replicated properly in mongorestore and mongoimport
- Waiting (Blocked)
- is related to
SERVER-88750 Add "bypassEmptyTsReplacement" param to insert, update, findAndModify, and bulkWrite
- Closed