- [MONGOSH-1211] - BSON field 'profile.sampleRate' is the wrong type 'int', expected type 'double'
- [MONGOSH-1235] - prohibit -p without supplying username
- [MONGOSH-1300] - Mongosh cuts output after pipe
- [MONGOSH-1301] - Update sh.getShardedDataDistribution() error message
- [MONGOSH-1330] - nanobus usage leaks memory
- [MONGOSH-1357] - MongoServerError: BSON field 'mirrorReads.samplingRate' is the wrong type 'int', expected type 'double'
- [MONGOSH-1332] - Use webpack instead of parcel for bundling
- [MONGOSH-1337] - Improve error message when creating QE collection on pre-6.0 server
- [MONGOSH-1342] - Drop support for Node.js 12.x in boxednode
- [MONGOSH-1343] - Remove extra source loading indirection in boxednode
- [MONGOSH-1345] - Enable ascii_only terser webpack plugin flag
- [MONGOSH-1350] - Bump driver version to 4.13.0
- [MONGOSH-1355] - Bump driver to 4.13.0, bson to 4.7.1
- [MONGOSH-1356] - remove CursorCloseOptions from calls to cursor.close()
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