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  1. C Driver
  2. CDRIVER-2581

Error message of expiring "socketTimeoutMS" is changed

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • 1.9.5, 1.10.0
    • Affects Version/s: 1.9.3
    • Component/s: libmongoc
    • None
    • Environment:
      OS : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.1 (Maipo)

      At v1.8.2, when "socketTimeoutMS" expires, function "mongoc_database_command_simple" returns following error.

      Failed to send "<COMMAND_NAME>" command with database "<DB_NAME>": socket error or timeout
       (e.g. Failed to send "saslStart" command with database "my_db": socket error or timeout)

      But, at v1.9.3, this function returns following error.

      Failed to read 4 bytes: socket error or timeout

      It seems that amount of error information is reduced.
      Is this change intentional?

      stack trace (v1.9.3)

      #0  bson_set_error (error=0x7fffffff30c0, domain=2, code=4,
          format=0x7ffff3144847 "Failed to buffer %u bytes")
          at src/bson/bson-error.c:69
      #1  0x00007ffff30ef65e in _mongoc_buffer_fill (buffer=0x8b8778,
          stream=0x8b8660, min_bytes=4, timeout_msec=3000, error=0x7fffffff30c0)
          at src/mongoc/mongoc-buffer.c:290
      #2  0x00007ffff3129404 in mongoc_stream_buffered_readv (stream=0x8b86f0,
          iov=0x7fffffff3370, iovcnt=1, min_bytes=4, timeout_msec=3000)
          at src/mongoc/mongoc-stream-buffered.c:239
      #3  0x00007ffff31286eb in mongoc_stream_readv (stream=0x8b86f0,
          iov=0x7fffffff3370, iovcnt=1, min_bytes=4, timeout_msec=3000)
          at src/mongoc/mongoc-stream.c:235
      #4  0x00007ffff3128830 in mongoc_stream_read (stream=0x8b86f0, buf=0x8bba60,
          count=4, min_bytes=4, timeout_msec=3000) at src/mongoc/mongoc-stream.c:279
      #5  0x00007ffff30ef33d in _mongoc_buffer_append_from_stream (
          buffer=0x7fffffff3570, stream=0x8b86f0, size=4, timeout_msec=3000,
          error=0x7fffffff5b00) at src/mongoc/mongoc-buffer.c:217
      #6  0x00007ffff30fe1d2 in mongoc_cluster_run_opmsg (cluster=0x8ac978,
          cmd=0x7fffffff4d00, reply=0x7fffffff3a80, error=0x7fffffff5b00)
          at src/mongoc/mongoc-cluster.c:2585
      #7  0x00007ffff30fa38e in mongoc_cluster_run_command_private (
          cluster=0x8ac978, cmd=0x7fffffff4d00, reply=0x7fffffff3a80,
          error=0x7fffffff5b00) at src/mongoc/mongoc-cluster.c:552
      #8  0x00007ffff30fa4c6 in mongoc_cluster_run_command_parts (cluster=0x8ac978,
          server_stream=0x8b9450, parts=0x7fffffff4d00, reply=0x7fffffff3a80,
          error=0x7fffffff5b00) at src/mongoc/mongoc-cluster.c:605
      #9  0x00007ffff30fbae0 in _mongoc_cluster_auth_node_scram (cluster=0x8ac978,
          stream=0x8b86f0, sd=0x8ba1c0, error=0x7fffffff5b00)
          at src/mongoc/mongoc-cluster.c:1161
      #10 0x00007ffff30fbfce in _mongoc_cluster_auth_node (cluster=0x8ac978,
          stream=0x8b86f0, sd=0x8ba1c0, error=0x7fffffff5b00)
          at src/mongoc/mongoc-cluster.c:1297
      #11 0x00007ffff30fc41f in _mongoc_cluster_add_node (cluster=0x8ac978,
          server_id=1, error=0x7fffffff5b00) at src/mongoc/mongoc-cluster.c:1495
      #12 0x00007ffff30fcd87 in mongoc_cluster_fetch_stream_pooled (
          cluster=0x8ac978, server_id=1, reconnect_ok=true, error=0x7fffffff5b00)
          at src/mongoc/mongoc-cluster.c:1834
      #13 0x00007ffff30fc6cf in _mongoc_cluster_stream_for_server (cluster=0x8ac978,
          server_id=1, reconnect_ok=true, error=0x7fffffff5b00)
          at src/mongoc/mongoc-cluster.c:1601
      #14 0x00007ffff30fd0e9 in _mongoc_cluster_stream_for_optype (cluster=0x8ac978,
          optype=MONGOC_SS_READ, read_prefs=0x0, error=0x7fffffff5b00)
          at src/mongoc/mongoc-cluster.c:1981
      #15 0x00007ffff30fd120 in mongoc_cluster_stream_for_reads (cluster=0x8ac978,
          read_prefs=0x0, error=0x7fffffff5b00) at src/mongoc/mongoc-cluster.c:2011
      #16 0x00007ffff30f6241 in _mongoc_client_command_with_opts (client=0x8ac970,
          db_name=0x8b7dc8 "my_db", command=0x7fffffff5a00,
          mode=MONGOC_CMD_READ, opts=0x0, flags=MONGOC_QUERY_NONE,
          default_prefs=0x0, default_rc=0x0, default_wc=0x0, reply=0x7fffffff5980,
          error=0x7fffffff5b00) at src/mongoc/mongoc-client.c:1778
      #17 0x00007ffff310d4e8 in mongoc_database_command_simple (database=0x8b7dc0,
          command=0x7fffffff5a00, read_prefs=0x0, reply=0x7fffffff5980,
          error=0x7fffffff5b00) at src/mongoc/mongoc-database.c:214

      After #0-#4, #5"_mongoc_buffer_append_from_stream" calls "bson_set_error" at the line 219,
      and updates the error message.

      181 bool
      182 _mongoc_buffer_append_from_stream (mongoc_buffer_t *buffer,
      183                                    mongoc_stream_t *stream,
      184                                    size_t size,
      185                                    int32_t timeout_msec,
      186                                    bson_error_t *error)
      187 {
      217    ret = mongoc_stream_read (stream, buf, size, size, timeout_msec); //#4
      218    if (ret != size) {
      219       bson_set_error (error,
      220                       MONGOC_ERROR_STREAM,
      221                       MONGOC_ERROR_STREAM_SOCKET,
      222                       "Failed to read %" PRIu64
      223                       " bytes: socket error or timeout",
      224                       (uint64_t) size);
      225       RETURN (false);
      226    }
      228    buffer->len += ret;
      230    RETURN (true);
      231 }

      #6"mongoc_cluster_run_opmsg" calls #5"_mongoc_buffer_append_from_stream"
      at the line 2585, passing a constant argument "4".
      #5"_mongoc_buffer_append_from_stream" returns false.

      2495 static bool
      2496 mongoc_cluster_run_opmsg (mongoc_cluster_t *cluster,
      2497                           mongoc_cmd_t *cmd,
      2498                           bson_t *reply,
      2499                           bson_error_t *error)
      2500 {
      2585    ok = _mongoc_buffer_append_from_stream (
      2586       &buffer, server_stream->stream, 4, cluster->sockettimeoutms, error);
      2587    if (!ok) {
      2588       mongoc_cluster_disconnect_node (
      2589          cluster, server_stream->sd->id, true, error);
      2590       bson_free (output);
      2591       _mongoc_bson_init_if_set (reply);
      2592       _mongoc_buffer_destroy (&buffer);
      2593       return false;
      2594    }
      2683 }

            kevin.albertson@mongodb.com Kevin Albertson
            cos Yuichi Ogino
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
