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  1. C Driver
  2. CDRIVER-4334

/versioned_api/crud-api-version-1-strict failure

      Some of the CRUD API JSON spec tests currently fail and/or are flaky. The problematic tests are:

      /versioned_api/crud-api-version-1-strict/"estimatedDocumentCount appends declared API version"
      /versioned_api/crud-api-version-1-strict/"find and getMore append API version"
      /versioned_api/crud-api-version-1/"find and getMore append API version"

      Note that each line identifies a specific sub-test within the named JSON spec test.

      The first one fails with this error, observed on the rhel62 build variant:

      error: expected success, but got error: stage $collStats is not allowed with 'apiStrict: true' in API Version 1

      The others fail with this error:

      error: expected result, but got error: Cannot pass in API parameter field apiVersion

      They are currently being skipped, so to work on them, it will first be necessary to remove them from .evergreen/skip-tests.txt and run a patch build to determine the current failure mode(s).

            ezra.chung@mongodb.com Ezra Chung
            roberto.sanchez@mongodb.com Roberto Sanchez
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