(ported from github)
I want to port the mongoc_driver to my raspberry pi but there is an issues when I compile the driver under the the raspberry pi with raspbian system.
The compiler said: Undifined reference "bson_atomic_int64_add".
The raspberry pi only support 32 bit system and I have installed a raspbian system with gcc and g++ for it.
I have tried to use the cross toolchain to build the driver and it has been done without errors.
But I think there is some difference because the os of the host is a 64bit system and the 'bson_atomic_int64_add' was supported.
I prefer the mongoc driver than mongoc++ driver because I didn't want to install boost library for raspbian.
Can any body tell me how to fixed the issue?
I hope the mongoc driver can be compiled under raspbian system.
- duplicates
CDRIVER-514 undefined reference to `bson_atomic_int64_add' (mongo-c-driver-1.1.0) in armv7l
- Closed