Resolution: Unresolved
Minor - P4
Affects Version/s: 1.28.0
Component/s: Bulk API
Not Needed
C Drivers
When modeling BulkWriteCommandResult (PHPC-2494), I was relying on mongoc_bulkwritereturn_t.res being non-null to infer whether the write was acknowledged since there is no other indication on mongoc_bulkwritereturn_t.
However, mongoc_bulkwrite_execute has a condition that destroys mongoc_bulkwritereturn_t.res when (!is_acknowledged || !has_successful_results).
I'm not sure if this is intentional, but I wanted to make a note of it in case it was not. I think most users would expect there to be a result object (even empty) for any acknowledged write, although I'm also not sure if that is explicitly discussed in the bulk write spec.
In the meantime, I will revert to explicitly checking a write concern struct (either the explicit option or whatever is inherited by the client).
How to Reproduce
I observed this when constructing a test for bypassDocumentValidation that failed with a single insert. I used the following create command to define a basic validation rule requiring an "x" field:
{ "create": "coll", "validator": { "$jsonSchema": { "bsonType": "object", "required": ["x"] } } }
I then constructed a mongoc_bulkwrite_t with bypassDocumentValidation: true and attempted to insert one invalid document without an "x" field.
The resulting mongoc_bulkwritereturn_t struct has a null res field due to a (!is_acknowledged || !has_successful_results) condition near the bottom of mongoc_bulkwrite_execute.
Note: I attempted to produce a single file derived from example-bulkwrite.c, but attempting to compile that locally through my libmongoc submodule was a bit too time consuming given how trivial I expect this will be for a libmongoc engineer to repro on their own.
- is related to
PHPC-2494 Model BulkWriteCommandResult and exception class
- In Code Review
CDRIVER-5843 mongoc_bulkwrite_execute does not report last-used server_id for unacknowledged writes
- Backlog