An array in BSON is just a document with the keys "0", "1", "2", and so on. When sending an array of documents with the "insert" command, the driver should generate BSON like:
{ "insert" : "test", "writeConcern" : { }, "ordered" : false, "documents" : { "0": { "_id" : 1 }, "1": { "_id" : 2 }, "2": { "_id" : 3 } } }
Instead it sends:
{ "insert" : "test", "writeConcern" : { }, "ordered" : false, "documents" : { "0": { "_id" : 1 }, "0": { "_id" : 2 }, "0": { "_id" : 3 } } }
The server accepts this, but it's not up to spec.
- is depended on by
CDRIVER-710 Wrong writeConcernErrors format
- Closed