Cloud is trying to update compass-aggregations plugin to latest in their application, but this seems to be blocked on us using unsupported (and seemingly unpolyfillable) lookbehind regex in a transitive dependency of the plugin. (it's supported almost everywhere, but not in Safari which Cloud seems to support based on this wiki page)
compass-aggregation depends on compas-export-to-language depends on mongodb-connection-string-url that uses these for the redaction logic
Seems like the part of code that uses these will be never hit by the actual code of the plugin so we should either find a way to use a compatible regex or if it's not possible work around the issue to at least avoid syntax errors on browser parsing
- related to
COMPASS-5723 Investigate compass-aggregations / compass-export-to-language compat with browser environments
- Closed
COMPASS-6066 Implement protectConnectionStrings option
- Closed