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  1. Compass
  2. COMPASS-7419

Update help text for $out to Azure

    • 3
    • Not Needed
    • Iteration Asteroid, Iteration Big Dipper

      The ADL Team is currently nearing completion on a project to add support for $out to Azure Blob Storage. When using Compass with ADL, the UI displays a description for $out indicating that it can be used for S3 buckets or Atlas clusters. With Azure coming soon and GCP coming next year, we'll want to update this text to indicate that it can write to cloud blob/object storage without indicating only one cloud provider. Please coordinate with irwin.dolobowsky@mongodb.com on the exact text to use. We'll also probably want to add a code snippet for the Azure form of $out. The snippet should be as follows:

      azure: {
          serviceURL: '\${1:string}',
          containerName: '\${2:string}',
          region: '\${3:string}',
          filename: '\${4:string}',
          format: {
            name: '\${5:string}',
            maxFileSize: '\${6:bytes}',
            maxRowGroupSize: '\${7:string}',
            columnCompression: '\${8:string}'
          errorMode: '\${9:string}'

      The text to be changed can be found at https://github.com/mongodb-js/devtools-shared/blob/d12c5bfb1e14343bd5d218a390c4ef3214037e2d/packages/mongodb-constants/src/stage-operators.ts#L673. We'll probably want to wait until $out to Azure is in public preview before deploying this change.

            leroux.bodenstein@mongodb.com Le Roux Bodenstein
            david.golub@mongodb.com David Golub
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
