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  1. Compass
  2. COMPASS-7507

switching from tab "Aggregations" and back resets state of code folding

    • Type: Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Priority: Icon: Minor - P4 Minor - P4
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 1.40.4
    • Component/s: Aggregation pipeline, Tabs
    • None
    • Environment:
      node.js / npm versions:
      Additional info:
    • 3

      Problem Statement/Rationale

      When I switch from tab "Aggregations" to any other tab and then back all my code become unfolded. When code longer than one screen it becomes very annoying.

      Please be sure to attach relevant logs with any sensitive data redacted.
      How to retrieve logs for: Compass; Shell

      Steps to Reproduce

      Put in any stage long code,

      fold code blocks, 

      switch to tab "Schema",

      switch back to "Aggregations"

      look at unfolded back code

      Expected Results

      State of folded code blocks remains as I left it when changed tab.

      Actual Results

      When I switch back I see that my hundreds of code blocks that I fold by clicking on tiny nanotriangles is all unfolded(

      Additional Notes

      Any additional information that may be useful to include.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            angel_max@mail.ru T T
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