New Feature
Resolution: Won't Do
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: UI / UX
Not Needed
Developer Tools
From Ali Ferguson on slack https://mongodb.slack.com/archives/C0U7K0MC3/p1724228879424859
Hey team,
I love being able to do quick ad-hoc aggregations but I often the slowest part is getting the results back in a user friendly way, often in slack. I know of these three options
Copy the default view results:
_id "proposal_created" count 805 _id "proposal_executed" count 287 _id "proposal_deleted" count 25
+ easy to copy
- not readable
Copy the JSON view results:
{ "_id": "proposal_created", "count": 805 } { "_id": "proposal_executed", "count": 287 } { "_id": "proposal_deleted", "count": 25 }
+ readable
- can't select the whole output, so I need to copy each doc separately
Export the output to json/csv
[{ "_id": "proposal_created", "count": 805 }, { "_id": "proposal_executed", "count": 287 }, { "_id": "proposal_deleted", "count": 25 }]
_id,count proposal_created,805 proposal_executed,287 proposal_deleted,25
+ readable
- requires saving a temp file and opening a text editor
Is there some technique I'm missing? It would be great to be able to copy straight out of compass.