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  1. Compass
  2. COMPASS-8262

Historical autocomplete query options override main filter query bar and other options unexpectedly

    • 3
    • Iteration Regolith, Iteration Satellite, Iteration Telescope, Iteration U (Jan 27 - Feb 10)
    • Not Needed
    • None
    • Developer Tools

      When applying autocomplete suggestions to query options, it's very easy for a user to override their entire query unintentionally (screenshot demo attached). We should make the historical autocomplete separate for options. 

      The weird behavior occurs when a historic query is displayed in an options field and, when selected, overrides the primary filter bar. We should only display historic option values for a given option when typing in that space, not full queries or other options value, and then only apply the selected option to the current option editor. For example, for Sort, we should only display recent Sort values run, and selecting a historic value should only modify the value for Sort in the query builder.

      With this change, the primary filter bar will still be able to override the options as it does today, but the same should not be true in reverse. 

            basit.chonka@mongodb.com Basit Chonka
            elizabeth.button@mongodb.com Betsy Button
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