The linq expression:
var list = collection.AsQueryable() .Where(city => city.Shops.Any(shop => shop.Name == "Shop 1" && shop.Books.Any(book => book.Pages.Any(page => page.Text == "page_1_1")))) .ToList();
Generated queries (from `CommandStartedEvent.ToJson()`)
v 2.7.3
aggregate - { "aggregate": "cities", "pipeline": [{ "$match": { "Shops": { "$elemMatch": { "Name": "Shop 1", "Books.Pages.Text": "page_1_1" } } } } ], "cursor": {}, "$db": "test", "lsid": { "id": CSUUID("db90a3a1-e153-44a5-97dd-64660ba367f0") } }
aggregate - { "aggregate": "cities", "pipeline": [{ "$match": { "Shops": { "$elemMatch": { "Name": "Shop 1", "Pages": { "$elemMatch": { "Text": "page_1_1" } } } } } } ], "cursor": {}, "$db": "test", "lsid": { "id": CSUUID("01211669-37e4-4dd3-b838-6efe1a8043ed") } }
The `Books` element is missing in query generated by driver v2.8.0+, so it returns wrong result.
- related to
CSHARP-2744 Consider to restore(or modify) the previously removed logic or be sure that it doesn't cause a reason of wrong nested `Any`s
- Closed