Engineer(s): Boris, Alex, Robert, Adelin, Ferdinando
2024-10-11: Updated end date to 2024-10-15
What was completed over the last two weeks?
- Finalized the remaining tickets for 3.0 branch
- Depreciation PRs for 2.x branch are in review
What's the focus over the next two weeks?
Closing depreciation PRs in 2.x early next week.
Impediments if any:
2024-09-26: Updated end date to 2024-10-04
What was completed over the last two weeks?
- Merging High and Core + API deprecations mostly done
- Serialization work
- IDisposable MongoClient in review
- Removing ConnectionMode started
What's the focus over the next two weeks?
- Wrap up remaining work and do a release
Impediments if any
- Removing old connection mode required unexpected SDAM changes
- Libmongocrypt packaging review required more time
BlukWrite and ClientSide projections tickets that are part of 3.0 release, but not of this 3.0 epic require additional week, taking this opportunity to tackle more "3.0 improvements" in 3.0.
2024-09-12: Updated end date to 2024-09-27
What was completed over the last two weeks?
- Merging High and Core + API deprecations continued
- Removing .netstandard 2.0 support
- Adding NET6 - in review
- Changing default GuidRepresentationMode to V3
- Change Decimal128 default serialization to Bson.Decimal128 - in review
- Refactoring CSFLE library - in review
- LINQ: Client side LINQ projects - in final stages
What's the focus over the next two weeks?
- Continuing work on sub tasks for merging High and Core
- Builders for MongoClient and Serialization configurations
- Addressing some of optional 3.0 improvements, like adding serialization for new .NET6 types (Half) (Ferdinando)
Impediments if any
- Refactoring CSFLE library takes longer than expected due to multiple issues with scripting and packaging in tests
2024-09-02: No change to target end date
What was completed over the last two weeks?
- Refactoring AWS auth library to a separate package
- Refactoring CSFLE library to a separate package, finalizing testing
- Cleanup: : Remove explain leftovers, remove SDAM Logging
- LINQ: Client side LINQ projects in progress
- Merging High and Core: 2 sub tasks in progress, 1 sub task done
- Builders for MongoClient and Serialization configurations: started
What's the focus over the next two weeks?
- Continuing work on sub tasks for merging High and Core
- Finalizing refactoring CSFLE library to a separate package
- Introduce Builders for MongoClient and Serialization configurations
- Change Decimal128 default serialization to Bson.Decimal128
- Remove .netstandard 2.0 support and add .NET5 (or NET6) framework
- Add DateOnly/TimeOnly/New numeric types support
Impediments if any
- Merging High and Core was partially blocked on AWS refactoring
- Due to recent deadlock discovery, making MongoClient IDisposable might be deprioritized
2024-08-16: No change to target end date
What was completed over the last two weeks?
- Merging High and Core was split to sub tasks. 4 are complete, 1 in code review
- Refactoring AWS auth library to a separate package is mostly done
- Refactoring CSFLE library to a separate package in progress
- Linq2 removal is complete
- Default GuidRepresentationMode in code review.
- Moving MongoDB.Driver.GridFS into MongoDB.Driver is complete
What's the focus over the next two weeks?
- Continuing work on sub tasks for merging High and Core
- Continue work on refactoring CSFLE library to a separate package
- Introduce Builders for MongoClient and Serialization configurations
- Make MongoClient IDisposable
Impediments if any
- Refactoring sessions API in Core/High projects seemed more complicated than expected and has been deprioritized for now to reduce risk
2024-08-05: Updated end date to 2024-09-20
This was on pause until last week
What was completed over the last two weeks?
- Removal of the legacy driver
- Got started on merging Core/High projects
What's the focus over the next two weeks?
- Continue to merge High/Core (this might be divided into separate tickets)
- Refactor AWS library to a separate package
- Refactor libmongocrypt to a separate package
2024-04-26: Updated end date to 2024-06-21
What was completed over the last two weeks?
- Wrapped up Make MongoClient IDisposable to allow short lifetime scope usage
- Boris also shifted his focus to SSDLC
What's the focus over the next two weeks?
- Waiting for the OIDC work to wrap up to freeze the branch and finish some prep work before making more progress on this
2024-04-12: Setting initial target end date to 2024-06-07
What was completed over the last two weeks?
- Introduce Builders for MongoClient and Serialization configurations close to being ready for review
- Make MongoClient IDisposable to allow short lifetime scope usage close to being done
What's the focus over the next two weeks?
- Wrap up the pending reviews in the prep epic, finish the two in progress tickets above and collaborate with Alex on refactor ing AWS auth library to a separate package
Impediments encountered over the last two weeks:
- Most tickets in progress have a dependency on the packages structure refactoring poc (
CSHARP-4911 and CSHARP-4912)