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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-15427

[C2C] Document limitations

      From: Investigate changes in REP-211:

      Original Downstream Change Summary

      1. We are not going to replicate any system collections (<dbName>.system.*)
      2. If user issues a dropDatabase command on source cluster, by design we cannot directly applying dropDatabase on destination, instead we only drop all the user collections and views in the destination database. This means that if there any system collections in the destination database, they will not be dropped. For example,

      a) if user created a system.js collection in the destination database
      b) if users turns on profiling on destination, there will be a system.profile collection in destination database
      c) if user created any view in the source database, although the view will be dropped as part of syncing the dropDatabase command from the source, there will still be an empty system.views collection in the destination database

      In these cases, the destination will still have the database with only these system collection after user issues the dropDatabase command on the source cluster.

      Description of Linked Ticket

      We have disabled tests that create collections implicitly / explicitly since the replicator doesn't handle those events. They need to be re-enabled once createCollection events are done.

      Note: document any functional limitations associated with these testing changes

            kenneth.dyer@mongodb.com Kenneth Dyer
            backlog-server-pm Backlog - Core Eng Program Management Team
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              2 years, 2 weeks, 4 days ago