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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-16038

[C2C] Document how to allow c2c source cluster to accept writes again after using enableUserWriteBlocking is set to true

    • 1

      TODO: Fill out each section as best you can. Remove all italic template text or unused sections before submitting the issue.


      When using c2c with the option 

      curl localhost:27182/api/v1/start -XPOST \--data '   {      "source": "cluster0",      "destination": "cluster1",      "enableUserWriteBlocking": true   } ' 

      In case you would like to allow the source cluster to accept writes again you need to run the command:

      db.adminCommand({setUserWriteBlockMode: 1,global: false}) 

      This is not documented in the c2c docs.

      Solution & Acceptance Criteria

      What should be done to complete the ticket to the best of your knowledge? If you do not know what should be done to complete the ticket, include investigating and deciding on a solution as one of the acceptance criteria.


      What is the impact of the ticket being completed?

      Optional Permalinks

      Any relevant code, evergreen logs, commits, docs, etc. that should be included?

            kanchana.sekhar@mongodb.com Kanchana Sekhar
            ivan.grigolon@mongodb.com Ivan Grigolon
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              18 weeks ago