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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-16390

Investigate changes in SERVER-79496: Ban encryption options being provided in createCollection

      Original Downstream Change Summary

      createCollection will fail with an IllegalOperation error if the user attempts to pass in WiredTiger encryption options. For example {{db.createCollection("test", {storageEngine: {wiredTiger:

      {configString: "encryption=(keyid=key)"}

      } })}} will fail.

      The encryption option is currently only returned in collStats as part of the WT creationString field. If using that field for creating a collection, the encryption option must be removed.

      Description of Linked Ticket

      In SERVER-72227 we came to the conclusion that in some cases there can be situations where a collection is mistakenly created with encryption options in the config string. This can happen if an external tool makes a backup and saves the creation string as read from collStats.

      These options are ephemeral in nature and should never be inserted into the durable catalog. We should consider banning them from the set of valid user options.

            sarah.simpers@mongodb.com Sarah Simpers
            backlog-server-pm Backlog - Core Eng Program Management Team
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              33 weeks, 1 day ago