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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCS-5535

Config Servers as Replica Sets (CSRS)

      We need to document:
      1. If you upgrade an existing Automated MongoDB 3.0 cluster to MongoDB 3.2, you can then (after upgrade) convert the CS's to CSRS. To do so: in Ops/Cloud, on the line item for the cluster, select the ellipsis icon and select "Convert Config Servers to Replica Set."
      2.a. If you deploy a new Automated MongoDB 3.2 cluster, the CS's are CSRS by default, unless you choose MMAPv1 as the storage engine for the CS's.
      2.b. Per CLOUDP-14097, the upgrade from 3.0 CS's to 3.2 CSRS creates temporary config servers on ephemeral ports. Automation deletes these hosts after the upgrade. If Monitoring Agent should detect them before deletion, they'll appear as down hosts in your deployments list. You can remove these from the deployments list.
      3. If you create a 3.2 MongoDB cluster and import it into Ops/Cloud, we'll recognize that the CS's are running as RS's. All this means for the Ops/Cloud user is that the icon for the CSRS looks different than the icon for CS-not-as-RS. (Might not need to document this outside of RNs.)

            bgrabar Bob Grabar
            bgrabar Bob Grabar
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              9 years, 3 weeks, 5 days ago