We currently lack any insight into how many customers are using Kubernetes, or even running containers. This limits us doing many things:
- Assessing the impact of the Atlas operator on retention, usage and growth by comparing those who use containers with our Kubernetes Operator vs those who use containers but not with out Operator
- Targetting comms and promotion to only the applicable audience for Kubernetes support of MongoDB
- Correlating container usage in general with workload consumption
The ask is to make as many of our drivers container aware (better yet Kubernetes-aware too) as possible and return that info in telemetry.
We know that it's possible for at least some languages (E.g. Java) but would like this for as many of our drivers as possible.
Who is the affected end user?
- Kubernetes team
- Sales teams wanting to correlate containerisation with workloads (containers correlated with microservices, microservices are expected to correlate with workloads
How does this affect the end user?
No direct impact to end users
How likely is it that this problem or use case will occur?
Already occuring
If the problem does occur, what are the consequences and how severe are they?
Is this issue urgent?
It's blocking both Sales efforts (drive growth in microservices customers) and blocking extremely valuable product insights around our Kubernetes support
Is this ticket required by a downstream team?
Kubernetes team, Growth Sales team
Is this ticket only for tests?
Analytics, product value tracking, sales efforts
- is related to
DRIVERS-2830 Record both FaaS and container metadata when both are present
- Implementing
- split to
MOTOR-1154 Driver Container and Kubernetes Awareness
- Development Complete
CDRIVER-4684 Driver Container and Kubernetes Awareness
- Backlog
CXX-2715 Driver Container and Kubernetes Awareness
- Backlog
PHPLIB-1196 Driver Container and Kubernetes Awareness
- Blocked
CSHARP-4718 Driver Container and Kubernetes Awareness
- Closed
GODRIVER-2906 Driver Container and Kubernetes Awareness
- Closed
JAVA-5072 Driver Container and Kubernetes Awareness
- Closed
NODE-5454 Driver Container and Kubernetes Awareness
- Closed
PYTHON-3837 Driver Container and Kubernetes Awareness
- Closed
RUBY-3298 Driver Container and Kubernetes Awareness
- Closed
RUST-1703 Driver Container and Kubernetes Awareness
- Closed