According to the Server Discovery and Monitoring (SDAM) specification, the drivers update the topology with a default ServerDescription that has an UNKNOWN status and an empty error field when a stale primary is detected. We could include a descriptive error message in the ServerDescription.error field to enhance diagnostic capabilities in environments and it seems, at first glance, to be a low-effort improvement. This improvement was initially discussed in the HELP-63892 ticket where the proposal arose.
Who is the affected end user?
Tech support, and users.
How does this affect the end user?
Users might face confusion when drivers cannot connect to the cluster due to potential electionId/setVersion mismatches, especially in environments where logging is not enabled. This lack of clarity can lead to troubleshooting delays.
How likely is it that this problem or use case will occur?
The issue might not occur frequently, as judged by the rate of reported issues.
If the problem does occur, what are the consequences and how severe are they?
If the problem occurs, it may lead to delays in troubleshooting.
Is this issue urgent?
Not urgent
Acceptance Criteria
Update SDAM specification to clearly define the new error message for electionId/setVersion mismatches in the ServerDescription.error field.
- split to
JAVA-5697 Update SDAM spec to include error messages for electionId/setVersion mismatches
- Backlog
CDRIVER-5805 Update SDAM spec to include error messages for electionId/setVersion mismatches
- Backlog
CXX-3177 Update SDAM spec to include error messages for electionId/setVersion mismatches
- Backlog
GODRIVER-3423 Update SDAM spec to include error messages for electionId/setVersion mismatches
- Backlog
RUBY-3592 Update SDAM spec to include error messages for electionId/setVersion mismatches
- Backlog
RUST-2095 Update SDAM spec to include error messages for electionId/setVersion mismatches
- Backlog
CSHARP-5407 Update SDAM spec to include error messages for electionId/setVersion mismatches
- Ready for Work
MOTOR-1411 Update SDAM spec to include error messages for electionId/setVersion mismatches
- Closed
NODE-6529 Update SDAM spec to include error messages for electionId/setVersion mismatches
- Closed
PHPLIB-1590 Update SDAM spec to include error messages for electionId/setVersion mismatches
- Closed
PYTHON-4960 Update SDAM spec to include error messages for electionId/setVersion mismatches
- Closed