Spec Change
Resolution: Unresolved
Minor - P4
Component/s: Server Selection
Not Needed
In localThresholdMs, the server selection spec refers to mongos having a localThreshold option. While that still exists as a short name, the canonical option is replication.localPingThresholdMs.
Text in the following spec sections should be updated to reflect this:
- https://github.com/mongodb/specifications/blob/master/source/server-selection/server-selection.md#localthresholdms
- https://github.com/mongodb/specifications/blob/master/source/server-selection/server-selection.md#new-localthresholdms-configuration-option-name
It appears that the mongos option was only referenced as justification for naming the driver option. If so, perhaps we can simply remove all references to the mongos option. The commentary about mongos' option being vague for not denoting milliseconds is certainly no longer relevant.
Who is the affected end user?
Readers of the server selection spec.
How does this affect the end user?
Referencing the mongos localThreshold option may confuse readers, as that is no longer discussed in the server manual.
Is this issue urgent?