Resolution: Done
Major - P3
Component/s: Evergreen Tools
Not Needed
Right now drivers-evergreen-tool will download 'latest' and test with that, however this is the latest release candidate, which can be behind master. We would like the option to run drivers-evergreen-tool with a passed in binary.
The tool currently will always download a specified version of mongoDB, however we would like to feature that if we provide a binary and place it in the pathing of MONGODB_BINARY, that it would use this binary instead of trying to download one.
Who is the affected end user?
Teams using this tool will be able to run orchestrations using specific mongoDB binaries that the user can provide.
How does this affect the end user?
allow for more testing options by the user.
How likely is it that this problem or use case will occur?
If the problem does occur, what are the consequences and how severe are they?
Is this issue urgent?
This issue currently blocks our projects testing.
Is this ticket required by a downstream team?
Our team creating Mongotune currently uses drivers-evergreen-tool for our integration tests.
Is this ticket only for tests?
Acceptance Criteria
Allow drivers-evergreen-tool to pass in a mongodb binary of the user's choice for orchestration to then run on.
When passing a binary, say by using the MONGODB_BINARY path and possible a flag, drivers-evergreen-tool would not download the default MONGODB_VERSION and instead use the binary provided on the path.
- split to
CDRIVER-5888 Add option for nightly mongoDB to drivers-evergreen-tool
- Closed
CSHARP-5486 Add option for nightly mongoDB to drivers-evergreen-tool
- Closed
CXX-3221 Add option for nightly mongoDB to drivers-evergreen-tool
- Closed
GODRIVER-3483 Add option for nightly mongoDB to drivers-evergreen-tool
- Closed
JAVA-5785 Add option for nightly mongoDB to drivers-evergreen-tool
- Closed
MOTOR-1431 Add option for nightly mongoDB to drivers-evergreen-tool
- Closed
NODE-6744 Add option for nightly mongoDB to drivers-evergreen-tool
- Closed
PHPLIB-1622 Add option for nightly mongoDB to drivers-evergreen-tool
- Closed
PYTHON-5130 Add option for nightly mongoDB to drivers-evergreen-tool
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RUBY-3621 Add option for nightly mongoDB to drivers-evergreen-tool
- Closed
RUST-2151 Add option for nightly mongoDB to drivers-evergreen-tool
- Closed