We will add driver support for performing write-only one-shot transactions, and improve the usability and performance of the existing bulk write API. We will accomplish this by expanding the bulk write API to allow for bulk writes to be executed across multiple collections and databases, and to make mixed operation and cross-namespace bulk writes more efficient by executing bulk write operations in one batch.
Lead : Jeremy Mikola
Spec Author : Isabel Atkinson
POCs : Rust & TBD
Product Manager: Rachelle Palmer
Spec Update
- has to be finished together with
DRIVERS-3036 Remove the BSON document size validation requirement for the client bulk write operation
- Implementing
DRIVERS-2993 Specify how to handle unacknowledged+(ordered|verbose|multi-batch) bulk writes
- Implementing
- is depended on by
MONGOSH-1100 Support Bulk Write API 2.0
- In Code Review
MONGOID-5026 Coalesce updates where possible
- Closed
- is duplicated by
DRIVERS-717 One Shot Transactions
- Development Complete
- is related to
DRIVERS-2582 Auto-batching of write operations
- Closed
DRIVERS-2215 Add specs and tests for grouping bulkWrite operations
- Backlog
DRIVERS-2955 Add tests for retryable writes across multiple batches for MongoClient.bulkWrite
- Backlog
DRIVERS-2888 Support QE with Client.bulkWrite
- In Review
DRIVERS-2090 Discuss errors that may interrupt a bulk write regardless of ordering
- Backlog
DRIVERS-2159 How should drivers handle non-write errors in Unordered Bulk Writes?
- Backlog
DRIVERS-2093 How should drivers handle multiple WriteConcernErrors in a bulk operation
- Closed
- related to
DRIVERS-717 One Shot Transactions
- Development Complete
DRIVERS-2725 BulkWriteResult.insertedIds does not reflect actual inserted documents
- Backlog
DRIVERS-2763 Reorganize CRUD spec headings
- Closed
DRIVERS-2862 Benchmark Collection and Client bulkWrite
- Implementing
DRIVERS-3139 Revise assertion for unacknowledged client bulkWrite result
- Implementing
JAVA-4537 Consider grouping update and replace bulk operations
- Backlog
DRIVERS-2470 Extra write and write concern error fields may be inaccessible in modeled write results
- Backlog
DRIVERS-2954 Support the new Bulk Command use at the Database and Collection levels.
- Backlog
DRIVERS-2975 Fix logic for determining whether to populate BulkWriteException.partialResult
- Implementing
- split to
CXX-2494 Improved Bulk Write API
- Backlog
RUBY-2964 Improved Bulk Write API
- Backlog
NODE-4197 Improved Bulk Write API
- Released
PHPLIB-847 Improved Bulk Write API
- In Progress
CSHARP-4145 Improved Bulk Write API
- Development Complete
GODRIVER-2388 Improved Bulk Write API
- Development Complete
JAVA-4586 Improved Bulk Write API
- Development Complete
MOTOR-940 Improved Bulk Write API
- Development Complete
PYTHON-3233 Improved Bulk Write API
- Development Complete
RUST-1282 Improved Bulk Write API
- Development Complete
CDRIVER-4363 Improved Bulk Write API
- Closed
- links to