Resolution: Done
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: 1.0.1
Component/s: None
I've noticed that there is a lot of real bugs in the code.
I've detected them with https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint
and this config:
run: deadline: "10m" linters: disable-all: true enable: - "deadcode" - "errcheck" - "gofmt" - "goimports" - "golint" - "govet" - "ineffassign" - "megacheck" - "misspell" - "nakedret" - "structcheck" - "unconvert" - "unparam" - "varcheck" issues: exclude-use-default: false max-per-linter: 0 max-same-issues: 0
Example of bugs:
bson/primitive/primitive.go:58:38: SA4000: identical expressions on the left and right side of the '==' operator (staticcheck)bson/primitive/primitive.go:58:38: SA4000: identical expressions on the left and right side of the '==' operator (staticcheck) return rp.Pattern == rp2.Pattern && rp.Options == rp.Options
Maybe it should be "rp2" ?
bson/bsonrw/extjson_parser.go:136:6: ineffectual assignment to `err` (ineffassign)bson/bsonrw/extjson_parser.go:136:6: ineffectual assignment to `err` (ineffassign) err = ejp.err
The error is assigned, but never checked.
- is related to
GODRIVER-2156 Enable all remaining golangci-lint linters and fix any identified issues
- Closed
- related to
GODRIVER-2157 Detect bit alignment issues when using "sync/atomic" to access struct fields
- Closed