The test-atlas-data-lake task is consistently failing in Evergreen.
One clue is this log line from mongohoused:
[2021/02/04 23:06:19.355] 2021-02-04T23:06:19.355Z [INFO] frontend.command failed to parse command {"version": "v20210204", "gitVersion": "97eb9206a4d7ef37d9ae10cf2b9a0431e2b8c2d4", "date": "2021-02-04T23:05:44Z", "pid": 375426, "connectionID": 407780896, "remoteIP": "", "hostname": "localhost", "tenantID": "000000000000000000000000", "correlationID": "1660adff78ebad2a17ab25fd", "commandName": "unknown", "error": "command getParameter is unsupported"}
It does not recognize "getParameter". I suspect that the addition of running "getParameter" as part of the Unified Test Format v1.2 runOnRequirement may be running, triggering this error during test setup.