With GODRIVER-494, new codecs were built for many of the base reflect.Kind types. These handle the base case of a non-pointer to those kinds, but there are circumstances in which a pointer to the kind should be handled. To enable this, the reflect.Kind codecs need to properly handle a pointer to the kind and the decode path needs to handle a pointer to a pointer to the kind.
A nil pointer maps to a BSON Null and a BSON Null maps to a nil pointer, so this functionality should be added.
Additionally, all of the BSON primitive type codecs should support pointers to their types.
- is depended on by
GODRIVER-598 Cannot decode when any ObjectId field is null in database
- Closed
- is duplicated by
GODRIVER-588 Cannot decode pointers to nil / cannot decode *ObjectID
- Closed
GODRIVER-652 StringEncodeValue should encode pointers to strings
- Closed
GODRIVER-656 Cannot decode null into a string type with *string
- Closed
GODRIVER-638 Support encoding for nil pointers
- Closed
- is related to
GODRIVER-598 Cannot decode when any ObjectId field is null in database
- Closed
- related to
GODRIVER-494 BSON Codec Redesign
- Development Complete