Now that we are targeting Java 8 source and target compatibility in the 4.x branch, some new generics-related compiler warnings are appearing during compilation. Examples include
/Users/jeff/mongo-java-driver/driver-core/src/main/com/mongodb/operation/ warning: [overloads] <T#1>executeWrappedCommandProtocol(ReadBinding,String,BsonDocument,CommandTransformer<BsonDocument,T#1>) in CommandOperationHelper is potentially ambiguous with <T#2>executeWrappedCommandProtocol(ReadBinding,String,BsonDocument,Decoder<T#2>) in CommandOperationHelper static <T> T executeWrappedCommandProtocol(final ReadBinding binding, final String database, final BsonDocument command, /Users/jeff/mongo-java-driver/driver-core/src/main/com/mongodb/client/model/ warning: [unchecked] Possible heap pollution from parameterized vararg type TItem public static <TItem> Bson in(final String fieldName, final TItem... values)
The purpose of this ticket is to address or suppress these warnings so they don't distract us from new problems.