The current build is confusing and hard to understand.
This adds risk when changing the build and for managing it going forward.
The core issues are:
- Centralized configuration in the root build.gradle, making changes difficult to understand
- Script plugins in the gradle directory
- Non standard directory layout
- Non standard dependencies library version information
Recommend updating to use:
- the typesafe Kotlin-DSL
- standardized layout
- follow best practises
- add a gradle lint to enforce best practises
- Use precompiled script plugins for conventions
- version catalogs
- duplicates
JAVA-4581 Update gradle build
- Closed
- related to
JAVA-5291 [Gradle modernization] Use Gradle version catalogs to declare dependencies
- Backlog
JAVA-5136 Move the tests from the JAVA_5109 branch and run them as part of the normal workflow
- Backlog
JAVA-5109 Try creating tests that verify interruptibility of synchronous MongoClient methods and MongoIterable/MongoCursor methods
- Closed