When org.mongodb:mongodb-crypt with the changes made in JAVA-5407 is released, and MongoDB Java driver depends on that new version, we should remove the reachability metadata that was added in JAVA-5407 to org.mongodb:mongodb-crypt from :driver-core (for example, the whole driver-core/src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image/jni-config.json was copied to org.mongodb:mongodb-crypt and should be removed from :driver-core).
Important: despite the following metadata entries having been added to bindings/java/mongocrypt/src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image/reflect-config.json in org.mongodb:mongodb-crypt, they must remain in :driver-core, because they are also used by :driver-core
{ "name":"sun.security.provider.NativePRNG", "methods":[{"name":"<init>","parameterTypes":[] }, {"name":"<init>","parameterTypes":["java.security.SecureRandomParameters"] }] }
{ "name":"org.slf4j.Logger" }