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  1. Kafka Connector
  2. KAFKA-371

MongoDB Kafka Connect Connectors - config values provided by ConfigProvider does not replace placeholders in configuration


      Kafka Connect cluster v7.30 running on AWS EKS with configured IRSA service account for the EKS nodes with the correct IAM permissions to retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager

      ConfigProvider being used: SecretsManagerConfigProvider - https://github.com/jcustenborder/kafka-config-provider-aws

      Mongo Source Connector being used: https://www.confluent.io/hub/mongodb/kafka-connect-mongodb

      I have tested the latest version of the connectors with the above config provider and the problem reported on ticket KAFKA-361 still persists.

          However, this time around when I validate the connector configuration with Kafka Connect via the REST validation endpoint, I can see that, in the JSON validation error that is returned from Kakfa Connect, for the 'connection.uri'  config property, the 'value.value' JSON property has the correct uri value that the config provider has retrieved from AWS but somehow the retrieved value has still not replaced the placeholder 




      in the actual configuration that Kafka Connect is trying to use to configure the connector instance.
         When I try to create the connector using the above config, I just get an error saying that the 'connection.uri' has an invalid value, with the placeholder above shown to be the invalid value.

            ross@mongodb.com Ross Lawley
            lincoln42@hotmail.com Lincoln D'Mello
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