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  1. Mongoid
  2. MONGOID-1434

Trouble with polymorphic relations

    • Type: Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • 2.4.0
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:

      Hi guys,

      there is an issue I have with polymorpic relations since months and now I need to fix it.

      I have the following model and I want to embed TaskValue polymorphic into Task.
      My application has a simple form.
      Creating a new Task works also with the polymorphic fields but updating a record does not change anything on the embedded (case 3) or related (case 1) :target.

      Up to now I did not bother because embedding it in the traditional way (case 4) was just fine.

      I then tried all possible relations (see below).
      Also referencing one TaskValue does not update a documents' :target.

      class Task
        include Mongoid::Document
        # @return [TaskValue] target start and end dates of the activity
        # case 1) create works, update fails
        #references_one :target, class_name: "TaskValue", as: :timeable, autosave: true
        # case 2) create and update works
        #references_one :target, class_name: "TaskValue", inverse_of: :task, autosave: true
        # case 3) create works, update fails
        #embeds_one :target, class_name: "TaskValue", as: :timeable
        # case 4) create and update works
        embeds_one :target, class_name: "TaskValue", inverse_of: :task
        accepts_nested_attributes_for :target
        attr_accessible :target_attributes
      class TaskValue
        include Mongoid::Document
        # @return [Time] start date and time
        field :start, :type => Time
        # @return [Time] end date and time
        field :end, :type => Time
        # case 1)
        #referenced_in :timeable, polymorphic: true
        # case 2)
        #referenced_in :task, inverse_of: :target
        # case 3)
        #embedded_in :timeable, polymorphic: true
        # case 4)
        embedded_in :task, inverse_of: :target

      I would be really happy about any hint what I do wrong.

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