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  1. Mongoid
  2. MONGOID-2095

Mongoid 3 UTC conversions in queries

    • Type: Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • 3.0.0
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None

      (Note: I opened MONGOID-2094 a bit ago thinking I had tracked this issue down, but that turned out to be a bug in my reproduction and I closed it. I think I've got it now though.)

      When you provide Mongoid 3 with a DateTime, it converts it to UTC if you're using use_utc. However, the conversion seems to ignore whether the time is already in UTC:

      Mongoid.use_utc = true
      class Post
        include Mongoid::Document
        field :time, type: DateTime
      puts "Current time in UTC: #{DateTime.now.utc}"
      Post.create(time: DateTime.now).save!
      an_hour_ago = DateTime.now - 1.hour
      #express the time in the local zone
      puts Post.where(time: {"$gt" => an_hour_ago}).empty?
      #be explicit about being in UTC
      puts Post.where(time: {"$gt" => an_hour_ago.utc}).empty?

      In 2.4, I get this output:

      Current time in UTC: 2012-06-11T03:33:21+00:00
      MONGODB (0ms) repro2['system.namespaces'].find({})
      MONGODB (0ms) repro2['$cmd'].find({:create=>"posts"}).limit(-1)
      MONGODB (0ms) repro2['posts'].insert([{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('4fd567018ace235ee7000001'), "time"=>2012-06-11 03:33:21 UTC}])
      MONGODB (0ms) repro2['posts'].find({:time=>{"$gt"=>2012-06-11 02:33:21 UTC}}, {:_id=>1}).limit(-1)
      MONGODB (0ms) repro2['posts'].find({:time=>{"$gt"=>2012-06-11 02:33:21 UTC}}, {:_id=>1}).limit(-1)

      It converts the local time into UTC time and leaves the UTC time as-is. But in 3.0.rc, I get this output:

      Current time in UTC: 2012-06-11T03:32:59+00:00
        MOPED: localhost:27017 INSERT       database=repro3 collection=posts documents=[{"_id"=>4fd566eb8ace23735e000001, "time"=>2012-06-11 03:32:59 UTC}] flags=[] (0.0ms)
        MOPED: localhost:27017 COMMAND      database=repro3 command={:count=>:posts, :query=>{"time"=>{"$gt"=>2012-06-11 02:32:59 UTC}}} (0.0ms)
        MOPED: localhost:27017 COMMAND      database=repro3 command={:count=>:posts, :query=>{"time"=>{"$gt"=>2012-06-11 06:32:59 UTC}}} (0.0ms)

      So it seems to be adding 4 hours (my UTC offset) to the time that's already in UTC, meaning it ends up querying for several hours ahead of what it should be.

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