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  1. Mongoid
  2. MONGOID-2877

identity map doesn't work with has_many association and inheritance

    • Type: Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • 3.1.3
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • None

      mongodb 2.2.3
      mongoid 3.1.2
      ruby 1.9.3


      class Event
        has_many :children, inverse_of: :parent, class_name: "Event", order: {sequence: 1}
        belongs_to :parent, inverse_of: :children, class_name: "Event", index: true
        field :name, type: String
      class Activity < Event
      class Branch < Event
      # There are some other sub-classes of this Event class similar to Activity and Branch.

      Now i want to load all events with the given name and eager load their children.

      The query is

      Event.where(name: 'test').includes(:children).each do |event|
         puts event.children.all.flatten

      I see the following queries in the moped debug output

      database=uat collection=events selector={"name"=>"test"} flags=[] limit=0 skip=0 batch_size=nil fields=nil
      database=uat collection=events selector={"parent_id"=>{"$in"=>["7723d05b-d866-4153-bda4-48bcc20d7071"]}} flags=[] limit=0 skip=0 batch_size=nil fields=nil
      Till now, it makes complete sense, but then mongoid runs one more query to fetch the children again
      database=uat collection=events selector={"parent_id"=>{"$in"=>["7723d05b-d866-4153-bda4-48bcc20d7071"]}} flags=[] limit=0 skip=0 batch_size=nil fields=nil

      I guarantee that identity map is enabled in my environment (the following steps would confirm).

      So i jumped into the MONGOID gem and added a bunch of print statements to debug this. I found the difference was in these two methods IdentityMap.set_many and IdentityMap.get_many.

      Inside set_many
      In particular, when mongoid puts the information in identity map, the selector looks like this

      {\"$in\"=>[\"Activity\", \"Branch\", \"Event\"]}

      , \"parent_id\"=>\"7723d05b-d866-4153-bda4-48bcc20d7071\"}"
      If you see closely, the selector includes the type array.

      Inside get_many
      However, when mongoid tries to fetch the data from the identity map, the identifier looks like this



      The type field is not included in the search and hence Identity map returns nil. I am not sure how to fix this but any help would be very useful.

      Thank you,

            durran Durran Jordan
            nchainani nchainani
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