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  1. Mongoid
  2. MONGOID-3098

How to select children documents in mongoid?

    • Type: Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • 3.1.5
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • None

      This is a copy of a question I posted on StackOverflow:

      The specific problem

      I have three classes set up in a tree

      Group Owner class:

      class GroupOwner
        include Mongoid::Document
        field :origin_id,    type: BSON::ObjectId
        field :origin_type,  type: String
        embeds_many :groups

      Group class:

      class Group
        include Mongoid::Document
        field :slug,                type: String
        embedded_in :owner,         class_name: "GroupOwner"
        embeds_many :members,       class_name: "GroupMember"

      Group Member class:

      class GroupMember
        include Mongoid::Document
        field :origin_id,            type: BSON::ObjectId
        field :origin_type,          type: String
        embedded_in :group

      And I want to do, is to grab all Groups meeting specified criteria, like all Groups with a given slug. I don't care which GroupOwner they're embedded in. I want them all. And when I have them, I want all GroupMembers inside them, that meet another set of criteria.

      Since they don't exist outside the embedding, Group.where() obviously will not work. The furthest I've gone so far was:


      {slug: 'friends'}

      ).map(&:groups).flatten}} but I hate this solution, since it uses Ruby to actually map the values. Queryable.pluck method is available in Mongoid, but it plucks the mongo documents so hard, they stop being objects in Ruby and become Hashes.

      Even when I do map all the Group model objects, somehow this:

      groups = GroupOwner.elem_match(groups: {slug: 'friends'}).map(&:groups).flatten
      groups.elem_match(members: {origin_id: value})

      ...returns no elements at all. As if elem_match decided to stop working anywhere but in the root document.

      The very general problem

      This is all an elaborate approach to a much more generic problem I seem to have:
      Finding and/or deleting children documents that have a specific set of values.

      i.e. – all that I'm trying to do, is to delete all GroupMember documents, which have a specific origin_id.

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            ellmo ellmo
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