*Originally from https://github.com/mongodb/mongoid/discussions/5518*
I was looking at the PR that originally added the run_callbacks method and I noticed it mentions:
- This does not include multi-level nested documents.
- This does not include prevention of double calls on new child save.
However mongoid does now include multi-level nested documents so that later got resolved
The reason I was reading this code is because I noticed that if you have a grandparent relation and you use around_save on the grandchild and cascade callbacks, it will call the around_save twice.
To add the modern-day code, I believe this is an effect of:
run_callbacks using cascadable_callbacks which is recursive leading to the grandparent calling hooks on grandchildren, then the parent ALSO calling hooks on grandchild.
We discovered that this is partially fixed in Mongoid 8 with the introduction of :persist_parent hook that can be used for uniqueness, although it's currently marked private. Can that be backported to Mongoid 7.x and made public?
require 'mongoid' Mongoid.configure do |config| config.clients.default = { hosts: ['localhost:27017'], database: 'my_db', } config.log_level = :warn end $logger = [] class Root include Mongoid::Document embeds_many :embedded_once, cascade_callbacks: true after_save :trace def trace $logger << "A" end end class EmbeddedOnce include Mongoid::Document embeds_many :embedded_twice, cascade_callbacks: true embedded_in :root after_save :trace def trace $logger << "B" end end class EmbeddedTwice include Mongoid::Document embedded_in :embedded_once after_save :trace def trace $logger << "C" end end require 'minitest/autorun' class EmbedHookTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase def setup @root= Root.new( embedded_once: [ EmbeddedOnce.new( embedded_twice: [EmbeddedTwice.new] ) ] ) end def test_hooks @root.save assert_equal(["A", "B", "C"], $logger) # Actual is C, C, B, A end end