Resolution: Unresolved
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Environment:MongoSH 1.4.2 on Ubuntu 18.04
Problem Statement/Rationale
Yesterday I started a long-running deleteMany operation against a large collection (it was deleting about 100GB of data. At some point I got tired of waiting for it and pressed CTRL+C.
The shell correctly returned and printed "Interrupting operation on the server", however I then realised that the operation continued to run and it showed-up in db.currentOp.
When I found the operation in db.currentOp I ran db.killOp and it correctly got interrupted.
I did not think to include any logs from the server and unfortunately I shut down the server. But I am hoping that it should be easily reproducible, by just inserting some large amount of data and then running a long deleteMany.
Steps to Reproduce
Inserting some large amount of data and then running a long deleteMany. I am not certain it is problem specifically to deleteMany, but this is the one long-running operation that I could think of. Most likely a multi-update will have the same problem.
Expected Results
Operation is interrupted.
Actual Results
Operation was not interrupted.
- depends on
NODE-5665 Expose a function that kills the current running operations
- Blocked
NODE-5622 Expose activeSessions on MongoClient publicly
- Closed
- related to
MONGOSH-1309 Investigate killing the session as a way to cancel the active operation when the user presses ctrl-c
- Closed