Problem Statement/Rationale
What is going wrong? What action would you like the Engineering team to take?
Are we not concerned that this version of mongosh remains available for users?
Please be sure to attach relevant logs with any sensitive data redacted.
How to retrieve logs for: Compass; Shell
{ application: { name: 'mongosh 2.3.0' }, driver: { name: 'nodejs|mongosh', version: '6.8.0|2.3.0' }, platform: 'Node.js v22.7.0, LE', os: { name: 'darwin', architecture: 'arm64', version: '23.5.0', type: 'Darwin' },
Steps to Reproduce
How could an engineer replicate the issue you’re reporting?
Install mongosh with brew on OSX.
Expected Results
What do you expect to happen?
We should perhaps try and limit the v2.3.0 circulation if the NodeJS v22.7.0 dependency is hardcoded.
Actual Results
What do you observe is happening?
Additional Notes
Any additional information that may be useful to include.
- related to
NODE-6349 Node v22.7.0 can produce invalid UTF-8 strings that can result in malformed BSON
- Closed