Resolution: Fixed
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: 3.5.4
Component/s: None
From user peter.broadhurst@kaleido.io:
We've had to pin our version to 3.5.3 as this code change changed behaviour.
Simple sample recreate of the change in behavior:
async function run() { const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; const client = await MongoClient.connect(process.env.MONGODB_URL); const db = client.db('354regr'); const collection = db.collection('numbers'); try { await collection.deleteMany({}); for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) await collection.insertOne({i}); let cursor = await collection.find({}); cursor.limit(5); while (await cursor.hasNext()) { const doc = await cursor.next(); console.log(`Doc: ${JSON.stringify(doc)}`); } } catch(err) { console.error(err.stack); } client.close(); } run()
Output with mongodb@3.5.3 (or mongodb@3.5.2 and previous) - see the limit of 5 records returned as expected:
Doc: {"_id":"5e6012c0bab232836f58f35b","i":0} Doc: {"_id":"5e6012c0bab232836f58f35c","i":1} Doc: {"_id":"5e6012c0bab232836f58f35d","i":2} Doc: {"_id":"5e6012c0bab232836f58f35e","i":3} Doc: {"_id":"5e6012c0bab232836f58f35f","i":4}
Output with mongodb@3.5.4:
Doc: {"_id":"5e601344f32806839a905a99","i":0} Doc: {"_id":"5e601344f32806839a905a9a","i":1} Doc: null MongoError: Cursor is closed at Function.create (/private/tmp/node_modules/mongodb/lib/core/error.js:43:12) at Cursor.hasNext (/private/tmp/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cursor.js:197:24) at run (/private/tmp/t/index.js:12:25) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
See that each time hasNext is called, it seems to be consuming one of the limit entries, resulting in a null doc being returned on the third call to next() and the cursor being closed.
- is duplicated by
NODE-2486 Each Cursor.hasNext() call seems to consume an entry when used with a request limit
- Closed