• Type: Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Unknown Unknown
    • 4.3.0
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • FY22 Testing Improvements
    • Not Needed
    • Done
    • 8
    • 10
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    • None
    • Hide

      Engineer: Daria Pardue

      2022-02-17: Project completed.

      Summary: This epic is intended to capture a subset of the Node team's desired testing improvements

      2022-02-04: Updated end date and final cost by 1 week to complete pending items from the spec test compliance review.

      2022-01-21: Spect test compliance reviews and CI coverage reports are in progress. 

      -Daria is partnering with Bailey to complete project in Q4.


      2022-01-07: Test reorganization and improvements in progress.

      2021-12-13: Implementation in progress, final scope of project may need refinement to assure completion.

      Engineer: Daria Pardue 2022-02-17: Project completed. Summary: This epic is intended to capture a subset of the Node team's desired testing improvements 2022-02-04: Updated end date and final cost by 1 week to complete pending items from the spec test compliance review. 2022-01-21: Spect test compliance reviews and CI coverage reports are in progress.  -Daria is partnering with Bailey to complete project in Q4.   2022-01-07: Test reorganization and improvements in progress. 2021-12-13: Implementation in progress, final scope of project may need refinement to assure completion.
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None


      This epic is intended to capture a subset of the Node team's desired testing improvements captured in NODE-1548, which we will aim to complete during FY22Q3. We will determine this subset of tickets during the scoping process.


      Who is the affected end user?

      Primary stakeholders are the team, who would like to increase their confidence in their test suites. All end users stand to benefit from this increased confidence.

      How does this affect the end user?

      End users will receive higher quality software as a result of our increased testing confidence.

      How likely is it that this problem or use case will occur?

      This is a ubiquitous improvement.

      Is this issue urgent?

      Yes, we absolutely need to invest in improving our testing confidence. It will not only increase our quality, but it will have a positive impact on developer productivity since it will be easier to evaluate changes as we create PRs.

      Is this ticket required by a downstream team?


      Is this ticket only for tests?

      Yes, tests and testing infrastructure.

      Cast of Characters

      Engineering Lead: Kaitlin Mahar
      Document Author:
      Product Owner: Rachelle Palmer
      Program Manager: Alexander Golin

      Channels & Docs

      Scope Document

      [Technical Design Document|some.url]

            Unassigned Unassigned
            alexander.golin@mongodb.com Alexander Golin (Inactive)
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            1 Start watching this issue

              11 weeks, 2 days