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  1. Node.js Driver
  2. NODE-4221

EJSON stringify support ignoreUndefined

      How are you using Mongo? What version of the server and driver are you using?

      Have a client-side application where I want to serialize raw data using the extended-json in order to send data to the backend. That data contains objects with explicit undefined values. I also may have a case where the data contains explicit null values

      {zig: "zag", foo: undefined, bar: null}

      What is the feature/improvement you would like?

      I would like to be able to serialize the above with EJSON.stringify to 

      {zig: "zag", bar: null}

      Ideally the EJSON options includes an `ignoreUndefined` property like the regular serialize function.

      What use case would this feature/improvement enable?

      More explicit intention in encoding/serializing with the EJSON API

      Current workaround is to have some singleton represent values I would actually want as null, and have a replacer handle converting them to null and excluding undefines.

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            tkutcher@outlook.com Timothy Kutcher
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