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  1. Node.js Driver
  2. NODE-4511

Expensive libmongocrypt bindings calls could be made async

      What is the feature/improvement you would like?

      This idea was brought up in https://mongodb.slack.com/archives/CFPHLTRMK/p1659640553564849 for the Rust driver, but would be interesting for the Node.js driver as well.

      The most likely implementaion would be to outsource some libmongocrypt context calls to the libuv thread pool. This would require moving implementation of the crypto hooks to C++.

      What use case would this feature/improvement enable?

      This would increase performance by blocking the event loop for shorter amounts of time (and by skipping JS ⟷ C++ boundary crossings).

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            anna.henningsen@mongodb.com Anna Henningsen
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