Resolution: Fixed
Minor - P4
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Use Case
As a node engineer
I want to use TS syntax blocked by our older prettier version
So that I can accurately describe javascript value type information
User Impact
*What is the number of impacted customers? How severe is the impact? Is anyone blocked or broken?
@microsoft/api-extractor ^7.33.7 → ^7.34.4 @mongodb-js/zstd ^1.0.0 → ^1.1.0 @types/chai ^4.3.3 → ^4.3.4 @types/express ^4.17.14 → ^4.17.17 @types/mocha ^10.0.0 → ^10.0.1 @types/node ^18.11.0 → ^18.14.2 @types/semver ^7.3.12 → ^7.3.13 @types/sinon-chai ^3.2.8 → ^3.2.9 @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin ^5.48.0 → ^5.54.0 @typescript-eslint/parser ^5.48.0 → ^5.54.0 chai ^4.3.6 → ^4.3.7 chalk ^4.1.2 → ^5.2.0 eslint ^8.31.0 → ^8.35.0 eslint-config-prettier ^8.5.0 → ^8.6.0 eslint-plugin-import ^2.26.0 → ^2.27.5 eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort ^8.0.0 → ^10.0.0 mocha ^9.2.2 → ^10.2.0 mongodb-legacy ^4.0.0 → ^5.0.0 prettier ^2.7.1 → ^2.8.4 rimraf ^3.0.2 → ^4.1.2 sinon ^13.0.1 → ^15.0.1 typescript ^4.9.4 → ^4.9.5 yargs ^17.6.0 → ^17.7.1
- questions that need to be answered to determine implementation
Acceptance Criteria
Implementation Requirements
- functional reqs, potential snafus to avoid, performance targets, etc
Testing Requirements
- unit test, spec test sync, etc
Documentation Requirements
- DOCSP ticket, API docs, etc
Follow Up Requirements
- additional tickets to file, required releases, etc
- is related to
NODE-5128 rimraf glob stopped working in build:dts script
- Closed