Build Failure
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: 6.0.0
6.0 Explain tests are failing due to missing queryPlanner field:
[2024/01/31 21:18:28.225] 3) CRUD API explain option [2024/01/31 21:18:28.225] When explain is true, operation aggregate [2024/01/31 21:18:28.225] sets command verbosity to true and includes queryPlanner, executionStats, and nested allPlansExecution properties in the return response: [2024/01/31 21:18:28.225] AssertionError: expected { serverInfo: { host: 'EC2AMAZ-S1Q0LDH', port: 27017, version: '8.0.0-alpha-226-gdc49f69', gitVersion: 'dc49f69f7f9c63745fe2aee7ff30d07bb9bc26f4' }, serverParameters: { internalQueryFacetBufferSizeBytes: 104857600, internalQueryFacetMaxOutputDocSizeBytes: 104857600, internalLookupStageIntermediateDocumentMaxSizeBytes: 104857600, internalDocumentSourceGroupMaxMemoryBytes: 104857600, internalQueryMaxBlockingSortMemoryUsageBytes: 104857600, internalQueryProhibitBlockingMergeOnMongoS: +0, internalQueryMaxAddToSetBytes: 104857600, internalDocumentSourceSetWindowFieldsMaxMemoryBytes: 104857600, internalQueryFrameworkControl: 'trySbeRestricted' }, splitPipeline: null, shards: { sh01: { host: 'localhost:27218', queryPlanner: { namespace: 'queryPlannerExplainResult.test', indexFilterSet: false, parsedQuery: {}, queryHash: 'B5645519', planCacheKey: '7F244A3C', optimizationTimeMillis: +0, optimizedPipeline: true, maxIndexedOrSolutionsReached: false, maxIndexedAndSolutionsReached: false, maxScansToExplodeReached: false, winningPlan: { isCached: false, queryPlan: { stage: 'GROUP', planNodeId: 3, inputStage: { stage: 'COLLSCAN', planNodeId: 1, filter: {}, direction: 'forward' } }, slotBasedPlan: { slots: '$$RESULT=s5 env: { }', stages: '[3] project [s5 = newBsonObj("_id", s4)] \n[3] group [s4] [] \n[3] project [s4 = (s1 ?: null)] \n[1] scan s2 s3 none none none none none none lowPriority [s1 = a] @"fbeaba97-0bcd-493a-8869-c7355a6e9724" true false ' } }, rejectedPlans: [] }, executionStats: { executionSuccess: true, nReturned: 1, executionTimeMillis: +0, totalKeysExamined: +0, totalDocsExamined: 1, executionStages: { stage: 'project', planNodeId: 3, nReturned: 1, executionTimeMillisEstimate: +0, opens: 1, closes: 1, saveState: +0, restoreState: +0, isEOF: 1, projections: { '5': 'newBsonObj("_id", s4) ' }, inputStage: { stage: 'group', planNodeId: 3, nReturned: 1, executionTimeMillisEstimate: +0, opens: 1, closes: 1, saveState: +0, restoreState: +0, isEOF: 1, groupBySlots: [ 4 ], usedDisk: false, spills: +0, spilledRecords: +0, spilledDataStorageSize: +0, inputStage: { stage: 'project', planNodeId: 3, nReturned: 1, executionTimeMillisEstimate: +0, opens: 1, closes: 1, saveState: +0, restoreState: +0, isEOF: 1, projections: { '4': '(s1 ?: null) ' }, inputStage: { stage: 'scan', planNodeId: 1, nReturned: 1, executionTimeMillisEstimate: +0, opens: 1, closes: 1, saveState: +0, restoreState: +0, isEOF: 1, numReads: 1, recordSlot: 2, recordIdSlot: 3, scanFieldNames: [ 'a' ], scanFieldSlots: [ 1 ] } } } }, allPlansExecution: [] } } }, command: { aggregate: 'test', pipeline: [ { '$project': { a: 1 } }, { '$group': { _id: '$a' } } ], cursor: {} }, ok: 1, '$clusterTime': { clusterTime: new Timestamp({ t: 1706732012, i: 187 }), signature: { hash: Binary.createFromBase64("vg33gLybzvw15jwi+lALJadeA/A=", 0), keyId: new Long("7330355451567013912") } }, operationTime: new Timestamp({ t: 1706732012, i: 187 }) } to have property 'queryPlanner' [2024/01/31 21:18:28.225] at Context.<anonymous> (Z:\data\mci\de9d9bf121ff581a3d8891ad6d1f63ce\src\test\integration\crud\explain.test.ts:102:47) [2024/01/31 21:18:28.225] at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>) [2024/01/31 21:18:28.225] at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)