Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: Connection String
Use Case
As a Node.js deveoper
I want proper URI and MongoClient options
So that I can leverage different driver and Node native options.
User Impact
- Customers passing Node native TLS options in the URI via mongosh
- None
- None
Acceptance Criteria
Implementation Requirements
- Separate the allowlist of URI-supported options from the allowlist of constructor-supported options (via shared, uri-only, and constructor-only options)
- Use the corresponding allowlist when validating the options during parsing
- Ensure we continue to prefer the constructor options over the URI options when both are specified
- Update the the currently misdocumented MongoClientOptions type to draw from the correct allowlist of options and clearly indicate that the options are constructor-only
- Ensure that w, journal, and wtimeoutMS, along with loadBalancer are on the uri-only list
- Ensure that writeConcern and serverApi are on the constructor-only list
- Review the remaining shared options to ensure that they should, in fact, be shared
- Allow for pass through Node.js TLS options that accept strings, booleans or numbers to be allowed in the URI: ciphers, ecdhCurve, passphrase, rejectUnauthorized, servername
- Allow for paas through Node.js TLS options to all be accepted as client options.
Testing Requirements
- Add connection string unit tests for ciphers, ecdhCurve, passphrase, rejectUnauthorized, servername to ensure they get properly set/converted to options.
Documentation Requirements
- Add DOCSP ticket to add the native Node.js TLS options support.
Follow Up Requirements
- None
- related to
NODE-5275 Remove write concern related deprecations and split uri and constructor option specification
- Backlog