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  1. PHP Driver: Extension
  2. PHPC-1135

Segfault freeing cursor after request ends due to max_execution_time

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 1.4.1
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      MongoDB 3.4.10
      PHP 7.2.3

      While investigating mongodb/mongo-php-library#343 and attempting to use max_execution_timeout to trigger an "Invalid response_to for query" error I discovered a fairly reproducible segfault.

      I had a standalone mongod instance running (e.g. mongod --dbpath /tmp/db). The following script was served with php -S localhost:8080 and repeatedly hit with curl localhost:8080:

      ini_set('max_execution_time', 1);
      function ublock($usec)
          $start = getrusage()['ru_utime.tv_usec'];
          while (getrusage()['ru_utime.tv_usec'] < $start + $usec);
      MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\addSubscriber(new class implements MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSubscriber {
          public function commandStarted(MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandStartedEvent $event)
              echo '.';
          public function commandSucceeded(MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSucceededEvent $event)
              echo '#';
          public function commandFailed(MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandFailedEvent $event)
              echo '!';
      $manager = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager('mongodb://localhost:27017/');
      $query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query([], ['batchSize' => 2]);
      while (1) $manager->executeQuery('test.test', $query)->toArray();

      My ublock() function above is similar to usleep(), but it spins PHP instead of issuing a system call to sleep so that its time counts against max_execution_time().

      After a series of initial requests reporting "Maximum execution time of 1 second exceeded" we eventually encounter a segfault with the following backtrace:

      (gdb) bt full
      #0  0x00007f389121d428 in __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:54
              resultvar = 0
              pid = 10008
              selftid = 10008
      #1  0x00007f389121f02a in __GI_abort () at abort.c:89
              save_stage = 2
              act = {__sigaction_handler = {sa_handler = 0x2d30303039353932, sa_sigaction = 0x2d30303039353932}, sa_mask = {__val = {3835151779020105271, 3276212736508309601, 3474581195552989296, 
                    3544396919740575792, 3545235847113814304, 2314885530818453536, 2314885530818453536, 7091318037929795616, 3257288213055174703, 7955377262162766188, 8315178054010548085, 
                    3689061837815835759, 4049692876520518446, 3472328506765554233, 4121419522540713773, 8606977229197435701}}, sa_flags = 807432237, sa_restorer = 0x4c}
              sigs = {__val = {32, 0 <repeats 15 times>}}
      #2  0x00007f389125f7ea in __libc_message (do_abort=do_abort@entry=2, fmt=fmt@entry=0x7f3891378ed8 "*** Error in `%s': %s: 0x%s ***\n") at ../sysdeps/posix/libc_fatal.c:175
              ap = <error reading variable ap (Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.)>
              fd = 6
              on_2 = <optimized out>
              list = <optimized out>
              nlist = <optimized out>
              cp = <optimized out>
              written = <optimized out>
      #3  0x00007f389126837a in malloc_printerr (ar_ptr=<optimized out>, ptr=<optimized out>, str=0x7f3891378fc8 "double free or corruption (top)", action=3) at malloc.c:5006
              buf = "000000000373c7e0"
              cp = <optimized out>
              ar_ptr = <optimized out>
              str = 0x7f3891378fc8 "double free or corruption (top)"
              action = 3
      #4  _int_free (av=<optimized out>, p=<optimized out>, have_lock=0) at malloc.c:3867
              size = <optimized out>
              fb = <optimized out>
              nextchunk = <optimized out>
              nextsize = <optimized out>
              nextinuse = <optimized out>
              prevsize = <optimized out>
              bck = <optimized out>
              fwd = <optimized out>
              errstr = <optimized out>
              locked = <optimized out>
      #5  0x00007f389126c53c in __GI___libc_free (mem=<optimized out>) at malloc.c:2968
              ar_ptr = <optimized out>
              p = <optimized out>
              hook = <optimized out>
      #6  0x00007f388e2b4461 in php_phongo_free (mem=0x373c7e0) at /home/jmikola/workspace/mongodb/phpc/php_phongo.c:2498
      No locals.
      #7  0x00007f388e23e594 in bson_free (mem=0x373c7e0) at /home/jmikola/workspace/mongodb/phpc/src/libbson/src/bson/bson-memory.c:218
      No locals.
      #8  0x00007f388e22c1ce in bson_destroy (bson=0x373aab0) at /home/jmikola/workspace/mongodb/phpc/src/libbson/src/bson/bson.c:2285
              __func__ = "bson_destroy"
      #9  0x00007f388e270a07 in _mongoc_cursor_cursorid_destroy (cursor=0x373acb0) at /home/jmikola/workspace/mongodb/phpc/src/libmongoc/src/mongoc/mongoc-cursor-cursorid.c:58
              cid = 0x373aab0
              __func__ = "_mongoc_cursor_cursorid_destroy"
      #10 0x00007f388e26aa9c in mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor=0x373acb0) at /home/jmikola/workspace/mongodb/phpc/src/libmongoc/src/mongoc/mongoc-cursor.c:520
              __func__ = "mongoc_cursor_destroy"
      #11 0x00007f388e2cab6c in php_phongo_cursor_free_object (object=0x7f388e8020b8) at /home/jmikola/workspace/mongodb/phpc/src/MongoDB/Cursor.c:372
              intern = 0x7f388e802000
      #12 0x0000000000a0ccde in zend_objects_store_free_object_storage (objects=0x15d1cf8 <executor_globals+824>, fast_shutdown=0 '\000')
          at /tmp/build_php-7.2.3.wuE/php-7.2.3/Zend/zend_objects_API.c:120
              obj_ptr = 0x7f388e861030
              end = 0x7f388e861008
              obj = 0x7f388e8020b8
      #13 0x000000000099cdad in shutdown_executor () at /tmp/build_php-7.2.3.wuE/php-7.2.3/Zend/zend_execute_API.c:265
              key = 0x371aab0
              zv = 0x3652ff0
              fast_shutdown = 0 '\000'
      #14 0x00000000009b850e in zend_deactivate () at /tmp/build_php-7.2.3.wuE/php-7.2.3/Zend/zend.c:1036
      No locals.
      #15 0x000000000091c372 in php_request_shutdown (dummy=0x0) at /tmp/build_php-7.2.3.wuE/php-7.2.3/main/main.c:1904
              report_memleaks = 1 '\001'
      #16 0x0000000000ab6381 in php_cli_server_request_shutdown (server=0x15cd460 <server>, client=0x37311e0) at /tmp/build_php-7.2.3.wuE/php-7.2.3/sapi/cli/php_cli_server.c:2085
      No locals.
      #17 0x0000000000ab6787 in php_cli_server_dispatch (server=0x15cd460 <server>, client=0x37311e0) at /tmp/build_php-7.2.3.wuE/php-7.2.3/sapi/cli/php_cli_server.c:2166
              is_static_file = 0
      #18 0x0000000000ab6ff0 in php_cli_server_recv_event_read_request (server=0x15cd460 <server>, client=0x37311e0) at /tmp/build_php-7.2.3.wuE/php-7.2.3/sapi/cli/php_cli_server.c:2377
              errstr = 0x0
              status = 1
      #19 0x0000000000ab7362 in php_cli_server_do_event_for_each_fd_callback (_params=0x7ffd49285900, fd=3, event=1) at /tmp/build_php-7.2.3.wuE/php-7.2.3/sapi/cli/php_cli_server.c:2455
              client = 0x37311e0
              client_sock = 4
              socklen = 16
              sa = 0x3731410
              params = 0x7ffd49285900
              server = 0x15cd460 <server>
      #20 0x0000000000ab309b in php_cli_server_poller_iter_on_active (poller=0x15cd468 <server+8>, opaque=0x7ffd49285900, callback=0xab717f <php_cli_server_do_event_for_each_fd_callback>)
          at /tmp/build_php-7.2.3.wuE/php-7.2.3/sapi/cli/php_cli_server.c:846
              retval = 0
              fd = 3
              max_fd = 3
      #21 0x0000000000ab7442 in php_cli_server_do_event_for_each_fd (server=0x15cd460 <server>, rhandler=0xab6ea2 <php_cli_server_recv_event_read_request>, 
          whandler=0xab702b <php_cli_server_send_event>) at /tmp/build_php-7.2.3.wuE/php-7.2.3/sapi/cli/php_cli_server.c:2478
              params = {server = 0x15cd460 <server>, rhandler = 0xab6ea2 <php_cli_server_recv_event_read_request>, whandler = 0xab702b <php_cli_server_send_event>}
      #22 0x0000000000ab74ca in php_cli_server_do_event_loop (server=0x15cd460 <server>) at /tmp/build_php-7.2.3.wuE/php-7.2.3/sapi/cli/php_cli_server.c:2488
              tv = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 567061}
              n = 1
              retval = 0
      #23 0x0000000000ab7891 in do_cli_server (argc=3, argv=0x359c540) at /tmp/build_php-7.2.3.wuE/php-7.2.3/sapi/cli/php_cli_server.c:2610
              php_optarg = 0x359c5b0 "localhost:8080"
              php_optind = 3
              c = -1
              server_bind_address = 0x359c5b0 "localhost:8080"
              document_root = 0x7ffd49285aa0 "/home/jmikola/workspace/mongodb/phplib"
              router = 0x0
              document_root_buf = "/home/jmikola/workspace/mongodb/phplib\000\000 `a\003\003\000\000\000\003", '\000' <repeats 143 times>, "@`(I\375\177\000\000"...
      #24 0x0000000000aadc78 in main (argc=3, argv=0x359c540) at /tmp/build_php-7.2.3.wuE/php-7.2.3/sapi/cli/php_cli.c:1407
              __orig_bailout = 0x0
              __bailout = {{__jmpbuf = {0, -1569833063077060401, 4378704, 140725830839520, 0, 0, -1569833063269998385, 1570707473818247375}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {0, 0, 0, 
                      0, 0, 0, 18374686479671623680, 0, 0, 1, 11240061, 0, 0, 11239984, 4378704, 140725830839520}}}}
              c = -1
              exit_status = 0
              module_started = 1
              sapi_started = 1
              php_optarg = 0x359c5b0 "localhost:8080"
              php_optind = 3
              use_extended_info = 0
              ini_path_override = 0x0
              ini_entries = 0x0
              ini_entries_len = 0
              ini_ignore = 0
              sapi_module = 0x15b6200 <cli_server_sapi_module>

      Note that when running php -S localhost:8080 with USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0, we still see a segfault although the message "double free or corruption (top)" is slightly changed (IIRC, it reports "(!link)" as a suffix).

            jmikola@mongodb.com Jeremy Mikola
            jmikola@mongodb.com Jeremy Mikola
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
