Type: Epic
Resolution: Unresolved
Priority: Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Source code cleanup
To Do
Epic Summary
Clean up and reorganize source code
The PHP extension's source code would greatly benefit from some clean up. For example, the main php_phongo.c file is 3000+ LOC and could be better organized into separate files for improved maintainability and readability. Additionally, this effort could address naming inconsistencies throughout the project (e.g. php_phongo_ vs. phongo_ prefixes).
Time Estimation
Roughly 1 week of engineering time.
Cast of Characters
Engineering Lead: Jeremy Mikola
Document Author: Jeremy Mikola
Product Owner: Rachelle Palmer
Program Manager: Alexander Golin
[Scope Document|some.url]
[Technical Design Document|some.url]