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  1. PHP Driver: Library
  2. PHPLIB-1286

Handle Pipeline&Decoder in Collection::aggregate()

    • Type: Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Priority: Icon: Unknown Unknown
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Builder
    • None

      Feature discussed with a user. The idea is to make it possible to pass to Collection::aggregate an object that implements both Pipeline and Decoder. The decoder is then automatically used to process the pipeline results.

      public function aggregate(Pipeline $pipeline, array $options = [])
          if (!isset($options['codec']) && $pipeline instanceof \MongoDB\Codec\Decoder) {
              $options['codec'] = $pipeline;
          $this->collection->aggregate($pipeline, $options);

      The use-case is to create classes that describe both how the data is queried and how it is transformed.


      class PipelineAndDecode implements Decoder, PipelineInterface
          use DecodeIfSupported;
          public function __construct(string $name) {}
          public function getPipeline(): Pipeline
              return new Pipeline(
                  Stage::match(author: $this->name),
                  Stage::project(_id: 0, title: 1, author: 1, body: 1),
          public function canDecode($value): bool
              return $value instanceof stdClass;
          public function decode($value)
              return new Article(
      class Repository
          public function __construct(private Collection $collection) {}
          public function aggregate(Pipeline $pipeline, array $options = [])
              if (!isset($options['codec']) && $pipeline instanceof \MongoDB\Codec\Decoder) {
                  $options['codec'] = $pipeline;
              $this->collection->aggregate($pipeline, $options);

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jerome.tamarelle@mongodb.com Jérôme Tamarelle
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
