The structure of the document returned by the find command changed in MongoDB 3.5+ causing this test to fail. Update this test to be more liberal in what it accepts.
====================================================================== FAIL: test_find_and_get_more (test_monitoring.TestCommandMonitoring) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/mnt/jenkins/workspace/mongo-python-driver-nightly/extensions/with-extensions/label/linux64/mongodb_configuration/single_server/mongodb_option/noauth/mongodb_server/master-nightly/python_language_version/2.7/test/", line 195, in test_find_and_get_more self.assertEqual(expected_result, succeeded.reply) AssertionError: {'cursor': {'ns': 'pymongo_test.test', 'nextBatch': [{}, {}, {}, {}], 'id': 3955 [truncated]... != {u'cursor': {u'ns': u'pymongo_test.test', u'nextBatch': [{}, {}, {}, {}], u'id': [truncated]... - {'cursor': {'id': 3955303531710L, + {u'cursor': {u'id': 3955303531710L, ? + + - 'nextBatch': [{}, {}, {}, {}], + u'nextBatch': [{}, {}, {}, {}], ? ++ - 'ns': 'pymongo_test.test'}, + u'ns': u'pymongo_test.test'}, ? ++ + - 'ok': 1} ? ^ + u'ok': 1.0, ? + ^^^ + u'operationTime': Timestamp(0, 0)}