When doing drop or find on a collection Python returns invalid BSON.
The collection has to be filled with a couple of entries.
The script in the end is an example.
Drop also returns the error but the connection is dropped.
There could be a problem with BSON,
the PHP driver also faults, see php issue https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/PHP-267.
I'm using mongodb from a Qnap server (version 1.8) https://github.com/skrabban/mongo-nonx86.
I haven't tested remote from python because the behavior is similar to the PHP issue mentioned.
#!/usr/bin/python -w' # -*- encoding: utf-8 import sys if len(sys.argv)>1: computer = sys.argv[1] else: computer = 'localhost' from pymongo import Connection collection = Connection(computer).test.test collection.drop() docs = [ {'nr':1}, {'dict':{'nr':1,'str':'2'},}, ] for d in docs: collection.insert(d) for o in collection.find(): print o print "..."