• Minor Change

      Trying to connect to the MMS service, I installed pymongo. We had problems connecting, and have debugged it to be space in out password. It seems like it get's URL escaped or such...

      This is or debug:

      2012-01-26 11:31:58,351 WARNING Problem collecting non-blocking data from (check if it is up and DNS): sppdb-se01:27017 - Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/bin/mongo-mms-agent/nonBlockingStats.py", line 55, in run
      self.monitorConn = pymongo.Connection( self.hostDef['mongoUri'], slave_okay=True )
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pymongo-2.1.1_-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/pymongo/connection.py", line 389, in _init_
      raise ConfigurationError("authentication failed to " + db + " using " + username + " " + password + " as pass")
      ConfigurationError: authentication failed to admin using spp_ro XXX+XX+XXX+XXXXX? as pass

      where the password is: XXX XX XXX XXXXX?

      My guess is that this is a pymongo bug, but it can be seen as a MMS bug also I guess. Can you confim? And where do I log the bug?

            ross@mongodb.com Ross Lawley
            operations@schibstedpayment.no Operations
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